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Buying the Equipment is the Easy Part

Good Intentions
How many of us, recognizing that we are out of shape, decide to start a new fitness program? Maybe we find that the pants that fit us a few months ago now require a struggle to put on. Or perhaps we discover that we are out of breath after we climb just a few flights of stairs. In any case, we recognize that we are out of shape and decide that a change in our physical condition is needed.
Often, our first inclination is to go out and buy something - an exercise bike, a treadmill, or other type of fitness equipment. Making this purchase and setting up this equipment makes us feel good - we are finally doing something to get in shape.
Unfortunately, the next step is a little harder - actually using the equipment. While some people do start using the exercise equipment that they buy and use it to great advantage, many, many more of us use the equipment a few times and then stop using it entirely. It is estimated that as much as 70% of all exercise equipment goes unused. This is why nearly new exercise equipment is one of the most commonly found items for sale in on-line classified ads and at thrift stores.
The truth is, getting in shape requires a change in lifestyle that includes both exercise and proper nutrition. You also need to make a commitment to put in the hard work necessary to achieve your fitness goals. There is no fast or easy way to get in shape using a specific piece of equipment -- and in fact, those committed to getting in shape can usually do so by spending little or no money on equipment.
On the other hand, spending tens of thousand of dollars on fitness equipment does absolutely nothing to improve your condition if you are not willing to put in the work and make the necessary changes in your lifestyle.
The Parallel in Security
Providing good security at your facility starts with a security risk assessment, and then the development of a balanced security program that specifically addresses these risks. A good program would typically include security policies and procedures, security awareness training, security staffing, and the use of physical and electronic security systems.
Too often, those responsible for security at a facility start off by buying security equipment, such as card access control systems or video surveillance systems, but fail to implement other aspects of their security program such as security policies and procedures or employee security training.
Why? Because calling a vendor in to install security systems is relatively easy and makes the facility manager feel that he or she has taken steps in the right direction to improve security. In fact, many facility managers directly equate security to security equipment, saying things such as "We installed security in the parking garage..." when a camera system is installed in the garage. Sometimes, the beginning and end of their security program revolves solely around the security equipment that they have installed,
Like a good fitness program, a good security program requires dedication and hard work - you can't simply buy your way out of the problem by installing security equipment. The things that provide the most benefit, such as effective security policies and procedures or employee training, cost very little to implement, but require hard work and the making of tough decisions. As a result, many facility managers either postpone these important aspects of the security program or ignore them entirely.
The Solution
Electronic security and surveillance systems are an important part of an overall security program, but are never a solution in themselves. The implementation of these systems should only be considered after a security risk assessment has been conducted and a comprehensive security management plan has been developed.
Before spending money on security technology, take some basic steps such as identifying and prioritizing your security risks, writing security policies and procedures, and providing security awareness training for your employees. Focusing on these elements first will greatly improve the security at your facility for little or no cost.
Security technology should always be used in conjunction with, never in place of, other types of security measures.
Please contact us if you have questions or need help with the development of your facility's security program.
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Silva Consultants is an independent security consulting firm and does not sell security equipment or products
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Silva Consultants can assist you in the design and planning of an effective security program and in the selection of security products and services
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Published May, 2016