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Home Security Assessments
Silva Consultants conducts Home Security Assessments at residential properties of all types and sizes.
Home Security Assessments provide a complete review of all aspects of physical security at the home.
The typical Home Security Assessment includes:
Interviews with home occupants to gain an understanding of security concerns, past security problems, and daily activities at the home.
Review of family safety, security and evacuation plans.
Survey of exterior perimeter of site and home, including examination of site boundaries, perimeter fencing, landscaping, security lighting, and signage.
Survey of interior of home, including living areas, sleeping areas, and storage areas.
Review of physical security devices, including doors, windows, safes, and lock hardware.
Examination of the ten common security vulnerabilities that make your home vulnerable to an attack by an intruder.
Review of safe rooms and other systems used to protect against home invasions.
Review of security systems, including intrusion alarm systems, panic alarm systems, video surveillance systems, and security intercom systems.
Identification of likely security risks and potential threats.
Review of history of losses and security incidents.
Review of the use of security guard or patrol services.
Preparation of Home Security Assessment Report.
The Home Security Assessment Report provides an objective evaluation of your existing security measures, identifies areas of security weakness, and provides a list of specific recommendations for security improvements at your home. Recommendations for security improvements are prioritized into three categories: 1) urgent problems that should be corrected immediately; 2) things that would greatly improve security at the home; and 3) optional enhancements to security.
After the assessment, Silva Consultants remains available to help the homeowner with implementing the recommendations we have made. Our services can include design and planning of security improvements, preparing specifications for security equipment or services, assisting with identification and selection of vendors or contractors, reviewing vendor or contractor proposals, overseeing the installation of security improvements, or providing security awareness training.
To obtain a free quotation on what it would cost to have a Home Security Assessment performed at your home, please contact us.
Did You Know?
The security of most private homes can be greatly improved by doing ten simple things
Silva Consultants is located near Seattle, Washington.
Our primary service area is Washington, Oregon, Idaho and California, but we serve clients in all parts of the United States.
Visit our Security Tips page for more than 70 free articles on a variety of topics related to physical security
Read Michael A. Silva new book on home security
Available on Amazon.
“The Security Consultant’s Guide to Home Security: 101 Tips to Make Your Home Safer and More Secure”
Want to become an independent security consultant yourself?
New Second Edition now available on Amazon